Monday 27 December 2010


My delicious LATTE with Black Eyed Peas this morning.I'm in my my journalist mood today:D Christmas is gone and it's snowing. The snow after Christmas is not bothering me, what bothers me is that during Christmas wasn't snowing at all. I  wore  a pullover outside and I WASN'T FREEZING! It's ridiculous. 
 Okay, let's skip this part and enjoy the left time of vacation. I still have no idea what to wear at New Year's Eve party.This is not me, I always know what to wear weeks earlier. I'm looking for a cute dress on I don't think they deliver during holidays and I think it's a little too late for the dress to arrive till New Year's Eve. Anyway, I  absolutely love those clothes. And if the dress will not arrive till New Years Eve, I'm gonna wear it at the next party: my best friend's bday in January. And I'm probabily gonna find a dress in my closet for New Year's Eve. 
 Deliciosul meu LATTE cu Black Eyed Peas in dimineata asta. Azi am chef de jurnalism:D Craciunul s-a sfarsit si ninge.Ninsoarea de dupa Craciun nu ma deranjeaza, ma deranjeaza faptul ca de Craciun n-a nins deloc. Purtam un pulover si NU-MI ERA FRIG! E ridicol.
 Okay, sa uitam de asta si sa ne bucuram de restul vacantei. Inca n-am nicio idee ce sa port de revelion. Asta nu-s eu, eu intotdeauna stiu ce sa port cu saptamani mai devreme. Imi caut o rochie pe Nu cred ca livreaza de sarbatori si cred ca e cam tarziu, sa-mi ajunga de rev. Oricum, ador hainele acelea. Si daca numi ajunge rochia pana de rev, o voi purta la urmatoarea petrecere: ziua de nastere a celei mai bune prietene in ianuarie. Si probabil voi gasi o alta rochie ptr rev in garderoba mea.

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